Monday 10 June 2013

Someone is turning me into an internet MEME?

Hi all!

First and foremost it has really been some time since my last blog update. Thousand apologies.
Been very busy with things (sorting things out) and I have been training for the upcoming Standard Chartered KL Marathon. Hope that everyone is doing the same and everyone's training plan is going accordingly well.

So why the sudden blog post? Well, initially I was planning to write something but this came out instead.

Let's start with this picture.

This my dear friends; is a picture taken by the amazing running couple Ashe & Vivian at the recent Mizuno Wave Run 2013 at Putrajaya. This is the usual me doing my silly poses in front of cameras during races. Some how this particular one took a life of it's own today.

I have "unwillingly" turned into a Kamen Rider. It was just so plain hilarious that I almost did fell off my chair when I saw it. I'm sure many has; judging from all the Facebook "Likes" & comments in Ashe's FB page.

And then, this next picture took life.

This one probably sealed the deal cause I almost laughed till I had stomach cramps!

Thanks to Ashe and Vivian for the brilliant photo and captions. I did my part to be silly (as usual) ;)

(Latest update as of 11/06/13 @ 12.15am)
Lina tagged me in another pic where another fellow runner "photoshop-ed" me into something more "appropriate" looking.

Cukup Kamen-Rider for ya? Somehow I feel more like Speed Racer in this leh... Lolx!
Thanks for the incredible edit from YeeHoo Leong. It was indeed a good one! :)

This was probably what I need after a long LSD run. I was at 28km in the midst of a 33km run; so the quirkiness was a good push through. Thanks again for immortalizing the photo.

That is why I often say that the strong support of friends during a run (irregardless of training or competition) is important. You can always count on someone to cheer you up and motivate you.


AS for now, I'll continue reading all the funny comments and YES, please someone find me a Kamen Rider suit (cause that's what you all requested, right?)


  1. Yes, I burst out laughing too after seeing the photo if you & kamen rider together. Great Monday blues buster :-)

  2. Monday laugher. Bhoy!! V nd more of this


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